Why do I Pinterest?

When I first heard about Pinterest, it automatically sounded intriguing. Add in the fact that one of my friends had to invite me to join was even more enticing! It was like a secret club I knew I wanted to be a part of. Now here I am, over 800 pins, 15 boards, and over 100 likes later and I couldn’t be happier. It’s like a family out there. Seeing these pins means someone else liked it too-and being a girl and loving sports or nerdy things is ok! It is even embraced whole heartedly! With Pinterest I’ve tried new recipes, new hair styles, and even partially planned my upcoming wedding on it! Once I have a home later this year, I’m sure most-if not all-of the interior designs will come from Pinterest.

To sum it all up, Pinterest plays to nearly every aspect of my persona and interests. I’m a Disney loving, sports fanatic, fan girl who just wants a beautiful home and yummy food on the table-and Pinterest ties it all together.